Like autumn leaves, we are left with a huge, miserable-looking heap of broken dreams. Whoever thought a day would come when we couldn't even agree with the Americans as to who were the Taliban we both have been fighting against all these years?
Anurag Kashyap explains why he is finally releasing his long delayed film, Ugly.
'While most alarmist predictions about the security of Pakistan's nuclear weapons are unlikely to materialise, instability is likely to increase unless Musharraf redirects the Pakistani ship of state.'
Since being called for throwing in 1995, the Sri Lankan off spinner has averaged an incredible 6.65 wickets in 66 Tests.
Some recent happenings on the realty and SEZ fronts seem to bother nobody. What worries me is that if more of these events occur, my sense of reality may get altered, says Ajit Balakrishnan.
The victory kept the Indian ace in the hunt for the overall title in the Amber chess tournament.\n\n
Gold must have a place in every portfolio. And there are several reasons for the same. We recommend that 5 per cent of an individual's assets should be in gold.
'Arjun Singh was chief minister of Madhya Pradesh back in 1984. He is still on Indian soil, and, presumably, available for questioning.'
Get Ahead presents an interview with six Indian-origin youngsters who won prestigious fellowships in the United States. Here, first year JD candidate at Harvard Law School and DPhil candidate at Oxford Tarun Chhabra, 28, discusses how he came to win the prestigious grant and what he intends to do with the money.
The prime minister's remarks on relations with Pakistan and on the Maoist issue do not bode well for our success in dealing with these two challenges to our national security in an effective manner, writes B Raman.
'Anti-incumbency, especially in Maharashtra; the BJP's success in creating a new social coalition; and the sheer force of the party's campaign which overwhelmed its opponents,' argues Praful Bidwai, brought the BJP victory in Haryana and Maharashtra, not the Modi effect.
As Maharashtra and Haryana show, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Amit Shah completely control the BJP and are taking it to the next level ruthlessly, without carrying forward any past baggage.
'The intrusion in Chumar, during and beyond the Chinese president's visit, is unprecedented and has qualitatively changed the tone of the India-China relationship,' says Jayadeva Ranade, a member of the National Security Advisory Board.
India's foremost ad guru, award-winning lyricist, and scriptwriter turns 46 today.
'She is tough. She can be stern. She can be unpleasant. Rajiv was none of these things.' 'The Congress cannot survive without the Gandhi family. If Sonia were to quit, their Lok Sabha seats would drop from 44 to four.' K Natwar Singh shares his bitterness about the Nehru family with Rashme Sehgal.
Our strategy of retaliation with surgical strikes or the new strategy of 'cold start' remains moribund and ineffective for the enemy believes and rightly so, that we lack the will and wherewithal to implement it. Our conventional retaliation strategy lacks 'credibility' and therefore is no deterrent, says Colonel Anil A Athale.
'What do Congressmen want, five assured months in office before the general election is called or the possibility of being re-elected for another five-year term?'
The mistake the enemies of the deal in India and the US are making is to seek satisfaction over their own wish list.
When it comes to fundamental issues involving corporate, corruption or anti money-laundering laws, media is increasingly demonstrating its ignorance.
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